• Digital Advisory Expert

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    AI-powered Advice Platform




    Project Overview:

    Built an advice platform using OpenAI's GPT-3 to provide personalized responses to user inquiries. Conducted testing and prompt engineering to ensure quality and accuracy of advice. Developed a custom UI with a form interface to enhance user experience and engagement. Successfully deployed the platform and continually monitor and update the model to improve performance and user satisfaction.



    Many individuals seek advice on a wide range of topics online, but there's a lack of platforms that provide friendly and family-oriented suggestions. Additionally, navigating the vast amount of information online can be daunting, and there's a need for an immediate and reliable source of advice.


    User Stories:

    1. As a user, I want to receive instant advice on a topic of my choice so that I can get guidance without extensive online searching.

    2. As a user, I desire the advice to be family-friendly and positive so that I can share it with others without hesitation.

    3. As a user, I want the platform to filter out inappropriate language or harmful suggestions, ensuring a safe user experience.


    Acceptance Criteria:

    1. The application should accept a prompt from the user regarding the advice they seek.

    2. The application must utilize the OpenAI GPT-4 model to generate responses that are relevant to the prompt.

    3. Responses should be filtered for inappropriate words or suggestions, replacing them with more neutral or positive phrasing.

    4. The application interface should be user-friendly, allowing users of varying tech skills to easily navigate and receive advice.

    5. Response times should be optimized to ensure users receive advice in a timely manner.



    DearAibby is an advice platform that leverages OpenAI's GPT-3 model to deliver personalized responses to user queries. The project involved multiple stages, from testing and prompt engineering to UI development and deployment.


    Key Achievements:

    • Conducted thorough testing and prompt engineering to fine-tune the model's responses and ensure high-quality advice.
    • Developed a custom UI with a form interface that allowed users to submit their queries easily.
    • Deployed the platform to a production environment, making it accessible to users seeking advice.
    • Continually monitor and update the GPT-3 model to enhance its performance and accuracy over time.
    • Increased user engagement and satisfaction by providing valuable and relevant advice on a wide range of topics.


    DearAibby successfully provides users with personalized advice across various subjects. The platform's user-friendly interface and accurate responses contribute to a positive user experience. Continuous monitoring and updates ensure that the advice provided remains relevant and beneficial to users.

    This project showcases my ability to develop an AI-driven application tailored to user needs, emphasizing safety, reliability, and ease of use.