• Energy Insights for Consumers Tool

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    Project Overview: Real-Time Energy Insights for Consumers


    Developed During:

    Hack for the Planet, presented by Terra.do and WattTime.org


    Challenge Category Winner:

    Real-Time Energy Insights for Consumers



    Created a tool to empower homeowners and renters with actionable information to optimize their energy usage, reduce costs, and take advantage of available incentives. The tool provides tailored recommendations for energy efficiency upgrades using advanced AI technologies.






    Upgrading homes for energy efficiency can be complex and overwhelming. Homeowners and renters often struggle to figure out the best ways to improve their energy efficiency due to the vast amount of information and the subjective nature of evaluations. Traditional methods can be time-consuming and may not provide personalized recommendations or highlight available incentives.







    The tool was developed to streamline the process of identifying energy efficiency upgrades by leveraging AI for initial assessments and providing human-readable, actionable recommendations.


    Technology Stack:

    - StackAI and OpenAI's GPT-4: For generating insights and recommendations.

    - ArtifexAI API: To integrate information about energy upgrade incentives.

    - Bayou Energy Sample Utility Data: Used for the MVP to showcase real-world application.



    - Tailored Recommendations: Provides personalized suggestions for energy efficiency upgrades.

    - Cost Savings: Highlights potential cost savings and available incentives.

    - User-Friendly: Simplifies the decision-making process with clear, actionable insights.




    User Stories


    - Homeowners/Renters: Receive unbiased, personalized recommendations for energy efficiency upgrades.

    - Energy Consultants: Use reliable, AI-driven evaluations to provide clients with informed advice on energy optimization.

    - Utility Companies: Offer customers actionable insights to reduce energy consumption and costs.

    - Educators: Access tools that provide clear, data-driven guidance for teaching about energy efficiency.




    Acceptance Criteria


    - Comprehensive Scores: The tool should provide detailed evaluations based on various criteria, including potential energy savings, cost-effectiveness, and available incentives.

    - User Interaction: The tool should be user-friendly, offering an intuitive interface for homeowners and renters.

    - AI Integration: AI should generate insightful recommendations based on user data, enhancing the decision-making process.





    - Conducted market research to understand the needs of homeowners and renters regarding energy efficiency.

    - Consulted with industry experts to develop and refine the tool.

    - Managed the development process, stakeholder engagement, and launch activities.



    - Successfully developed the tool for the Hack for the Planet competition. Named Challenge Category Winner: Real-Time Energy Insights for Consumers

    - Received positive feedback for providing clear, actionable insights.

    - Refined the tool to meet evolving user needs and improve recommendation accuracy.




    Additional Notes


    - Leadership: Led the project from ideation to deployment, including tool development and AI tool integration.

    - Recognition: The project received attention from academic and entrepreneurial communities for its innovative approach to energy efficiency.




    This project exemplifies the successful application of AI to address complex challenges in energy efficiency, providing valuable support to homeowners and renters aiming to reduce their energy consumption and costs.