• Rapid Disaster Recovery Tool (2012)

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    SMS-Based Disaster Recovery Tool 


    Project Overview:

    Developed NeedMapper, an SMS-based disaster recovery tool in response to Hurricane Sandy, enabling those without power or internet to communicate their needs via text. This initiated an online map populating real-time aid requests, aiding volunteers in efficient help distribution. Spearheaded the venture from ideation, team recruitment, UX design to launch. Secured sponsorship from Twilio, forged partnerships with key aid organizations, and expanded with AyudameMapa for Spanish-speaking regions. Garnered significant media attention, being featured in The New York Times, Huffington Post, Fast Company, and numerous international outlets. Managed all facets of the project from development to press outreach



    During the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, many victims lacked power and internet connectivity. This hindered communication, making it difficult for affected individuals to relay their needs and for volunteers to identify where assistance was most urgently required.


    User Stories:

    1. As a victim without power/internet, I want to communicate my immediate needs to potential helpers, using just my phone's SMS functionality.

    2. As a volunteer, I want a consolidated view of all the help requests in an area, so I can prioritize and reach out effectively.

    3. As a victim, after receiving the needed help, I want to easily update or remove my request from the platform.


    Acceptance Criteria:

    1. Victims can send an SMS with their location and requirements.

    2. Volunteers can view an online map populated with real-time help requests.

    3. Victims can update or remove their help requests via SMS, which should reflect on the online map instantly.



    Additional Notes:

    - Led the venture from ideation to deployment; recruited a competent team, managed development/design, and supervised the launch.

    - Successfully secured sponsorship from Twilio and built relationships with relevant aid organizations to amplify reach.

    - The project garnered significant media attention, being featured in renowned outlets such as The New York Times, Huffington Post, Fast Company, CBS National Television, and more.

    - An extension of the project included "AyudameMapa", catering to Spanish-speaking regions, enhancing the platform's accessibility and scope.


    Case Study



    NeedMapper, a SMS disaster recovery tool created for Hurricane Sandy. The service allows those without power or internet to text a specific phone number with what they need and where they are. An online map is automatically populated with requests for help so that volunteers can see where people need help, what they need, and whether the request is still active (people who post requests are able to remove them once fulfilled via text message as well).



    Did market research, came up with idea, recruited a team, managed development and design, secured sponsorship from Twilio, did customer development, identified and reached out to relevant aid organizations to establish partnerships, managed partnerships, managed Twitter account, and did press outreach. Worked with aid organizations to begin development and implementation of AyudameMapa, a Spanish version of Needmapper for countries such as Guatemala.



    Featured in many major press outlets, including The New York Times, Huffington Post, Fast Company, Forbes, CBS National Television, Venturebeat, Metro News, Yahoo News, Good.is, CHCH, and many international outlets.