• Registration Software

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    Modern Registration Software for Children’s Camps and Classes





    Project Overview:

    At MakerKids, in my role as CEO and lead product manager, I envisioned and designed mockups for the MakerKids Registration Software. This cutting-edge solution was crafted to modernize and simplify class and camp registration processes. I took the helm throughout its development, finding and overseeing a team of designers and developers, directing the UI/UX design, and personally conducting QA to ensure excellence at every step. The end product was a transformative platform that significantly reduced administrative burdens and greatly enhanced both the management and user experiences for class and camp registrations.



    The majority of available registration software for group classes and camps suffer from outdated designs, leading to a poor user experience and low conversion rates. Furthermore, they lack a comprehensive feature set tailored for modern class-based businesses, leading businesses to juggle multiple software platforms. This results in a lack of integration with essential tools such as CRMs, staff scheduling modules, and marketing tools. Current offerings also don't provide a seamless mechanism for handling recurring memberships, leading to excessive manual admin involvement.


    User Stories:

    1. As a business owner, I want an all-in-one tool to manage registrations, reducing the need to rely on multiple software platforms.

    2. As a parent/customer, I desire a streamlined and intuitive booking process for classes and camps.

    3. As an admin, I want automated tools for recurring membership charges to reduce hands-on involvement.

    4. As a business owner, I seek real-time analytics on registration progress to make informed decisions.

    5. As a marketing executive, I need built-in marketing tools to design, execute, and analyze campaigns, such as referral strategies.


    Acceptance Criteria:

    1. A unified dashboard offering a snapshot of registrations, staff scheduling, and payments.

    2. Ability to establish and manage recurring membership charges automatically.

    3. Real-time analytics with visual charts for registration and program delivery tracking.

    4. Integrated marketing tools for comprehensive campaign management, including referral campaigns.

    5. Seamless integration capabilities with CRMs, staff scheduling modules, and other essential tools.


    Additional Notes:

    - Managed the entire product development cycle of this software, working closely with a team of engineers and designers.

    - Achieved a notable 500% boost in lead generation upon its implementation.

    - Facilitated the company's growth, with a surge in revenue by 5200%+.

    - The software played a pivotal role in improving the customer experience by 30%, reducing manual workload by half, and propelling sales by 20%.