• Skill-Sharing Pioneer

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    An Online Skill-Sharing Platform for One-On-One Learning Experiences


    Project Overview:

    Conceived and launched GetKoru, an online skill-sharing platform. Secured funding, assembled a team, did customer development, UX and graphic design, and managed the design and implementation processes. Integrated viral strategies for growth and worked with mentors for guidance. Selected as one of 154 companies from 650 to participate in Startup Chile's 6-month incubator program, securing $40K in equity-free capital. Organized unique programming classes in Chile and gained recognition by being featured on The Next Web, Techvibes, and a Harvard Business Review case. Additionally, received an invitation to meet with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.



    The absence of a direct platform where individuals could offer, exchange, or purchase unique one-on-one skill-sharing experiences, whether through bartering or monetary transactions.


    User Stories:

    1. As a learner, I want to browse and find specific skills I'm interested in learning, so I can either purchase a session or trade my own skills in exchange.

    2. As an instructor, I want to list my skills on a platform, set a price or indicate willingness to trade, so I can earn money or learn a new skill in return.

    3. As a user, I want the flexibility to either pay or trade for a skill-sharing session, so I have multiple avenues to acquire new knowledge.


    Acceptance Criteria:

    1. Users can search, find, and express interest in a particular skill-sharing session.

    2. Instructors can register, list their skills, set a price, or indicate a willingness to trade.

    3. The platform enables secure transactions for paid sessions and ensures a smooth process for skill-trades.



    Additional Notes:

    • Led the project from idea generation to execution, which included securing funding, assembling a team, engaging in customer development, and overseeing design implementation.
    • Incorporated mechanisms to facilitate both paid and trade transactions seamlessly.
    • Maintained operational oversight, from budget management to doing pitch presentations.
    • Earned a position as 1 of 154 companies from 650 applications in the Startup Chile program, receiving $40K in capital.
    • Gained media attention from The Next Web, Techvibes, Harvard Business Review, and had the honor of meeting the Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper.